Japanese Style Espresso Cup 150ml

SKU: 292-2971-000352

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  • Creative Cup
    150ml capacity
    Classic design



A 150ml Japanese style espresso cup is a small, elegant ceramic vessel designed for serving espresso or other concentrated beverages. Its design and size reflect a blend of traditional Japanese aesthetics with modern functionality, offering both style and practicality.





  • Capacity: 150ml (5oz): Ideal for a standard shot of espresso or other small servings. The size is compact, making it suitable for strong, concentrated drinks.
  • Japanese Design: Minimalist and refined aesthetics, simple, clean lines and subtle, elegant shapes.
  • Color and Patterns: Japanese cups feature muted tones or natural glazes, with designs such as simple patterns.
  • Material: Ceramic made from high-quality ceramic such as porcelain or stoneware. The material is chosen for its ability to retain heat and its durability.







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